From time to time you get to help someone out AND you get to work with friends who are really talented in the process. When the occasion arises you jump at it. Just recently I got to help Travis Ryan (a student of mine, only because he needed extra units to graduate) put together the CD package for his forth-coming project. The look of the package is more about Trever Hoehne's (a student of mine, not because he needed extra units, he was good to go the day i met him) photography than anything I did which was lay the text out and not get in the way of photography. But that aside, it was fun working with the both of them. Look for the CD at his website, http://www.travisryanmusic.com.
I read your blog that is no longer up... about 2.0... I am so gitty about that I want to begin plot to take be under you some how. Keep me posted...
hah...... that is not true.... i credit all my inspiration to you!
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