Cole just finished up the spring performance of C.A.T's (Christian Arts Theater in Corona) The Jungle Book. He was the bad guy and ate it up. The part allowed him to go into the audience to adlib. As a parent it was an edge-of-the-seat-moment when you wonder if he is going to say something that will moritify you, but he is a pro and was very funny. The directors did not want to feed him words and let him go. On one occasion a troop of girl scouts was in attendance so he walked out to sniff "man cub" and sniffed the air to sly, "I smell girl scout cookies!". Nice pull. I got a pretty good laugh from that. He also won the "The Live Wire" award for the performer "you couldn't take your eyes off". Am I a proud papa? You bet.
1 comment:
Dear Cole,
You rock my face off buddy! What i would have given to see you in action! I'm stoked to hear that the performance went well! You look fantastic as...(cough) the bad guy... :) isn't his name Sheer Kan or Sheer CON or.... Sheer Fate or something like that??? :D
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