It is finished. And what a time was had by all. 9 shows, 25 cast members, 1 director, 1 dancer director, 1 music director, 1 customer, 12 tech folks, 1 line, 4 words..."Toym te gow Ow-fie". My Fair Lady is done and it is back to life, being dad and husband. I hope I am a little wiser, a little lighter in my way. I hope I don't stop singing show tunes in the shower and don't stop hearing the kids laughing and singing with Dad. To the cast and everyone involved with My Fair Lady, thank you for a thrill.
Your a stud mike. We NEED to get together sometime, and hang out! let me know. Thanks for the comment on the B&W's.
Mike...WOW! What beautiful pictures of the show! I also read everything else and was touched. It was great to have you in the cast...you are "great people". Toodles!
We've been working together going on 10 years now, I recognized your gifts long ago. You're a good man, good father, good family man and one of the designers around. I am very thankful to be a friend.
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